what is a right IC for my current setup

I am using a Techincs A-10 as my CD player, goes directly to my Krell pwr-amp, I use an old Cardas between the pwr-amp and the B&W 801. ( previously I was using an Audible Illusion L1 as the preamp). I am thinking of upgrading my IC between the DVD player and the pwr-amp. Would a Cardas Neutral reference or a Audience AU-24 a good match. I am thinking of either changind the DVD player to a SACD player.
Yeah, well said for a dealer that does not sell Synergistic!

Read the many posts from other a-goners, Synergistic cables are some of the BEST out there and worth an audition.
My comments have nothing to do with my business.

They are simply facts.

Experience is the best teacher.

I recommend you look into it.
thank you guys, I want to sidetrack a little bit here ( perhaps I should open another thread). Besides the ICs, the power cords and the conditoners are selling just like the equipments its almost unbelieavable. Does any one has an opinon of the Black Mountain power cord? Seems like their price is relatively more reasonable but then there has not been a lot of reviews about them, good or bad. Is there a sensibly-priced power cable and/or conditioner, or I shall not worry about it at this time? thanks again for your inputs.
A "sensible" priced power cable is the one supplied in the box with your Krell, the same cable they do their R&D with.

I know there's many who swear by super-dooper PC's (and who's opinion I respect), but I just can't imagine how a higher grade PC than your household wiring can make any difference. IMHO, the old adage "a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link" applies to your power supply; unless you run a dedicated line back to your fuse-box, then there's little point in using anything more than a well-made standard quality power cord.

You just have to get a decent power cord, and try it. Then you can make an educated recommendation.

I agree with your theory, but when I got a decent PC and tried it on my Classe amps, I could hear a noticible improvement. I could hear this difference on regular non-dedicated lines.
