What is a decent first portable player ?

Hello all:
Hope I posted this in the right spot.
This is my first foray into portable audio and I am looking for some different views

I'd like to have a portable system with decent earbuds or headphones for use at work.

Quality does not have to be fantastic just listenable. I'm thinking mp3 at a higher bitrate would be ok. Just the fact that I have music at work is a big plus.

Music taste is about 60% Rock 37% Jazz 3% classical and other

Cost is a factor as well. I could be talked into a $250 ipod if they feel the user interface is superior to anything else.

Currently on the shortlist is a Cowon d2 8gig or similar. Just found one on amazon at $129.00. The fact that has a FM tuner is a big plus as I can record radio programs.

Earbuds would be something from denon or grado.

My wife has a ipod nano I can try - but I have not yet.

So everyone can get an idea my current 2 channel system is:
Basis Debut Table
Parasound belt drive cd transport
Classe DAC-1 D/A converter
Classe Six preamp
Levinson 23.5 power amp
Revel F52 speakers
Stax headphones (tube driven amp but can't recall the model)
Transparent interconnects
Symposium stand (made a HUGE difference)

So, if I want high quality I have the home system. Eventually I would like to get a Alesis Masterlink or similar to start recording my lp's to cd. From there I can rip to mp3 or flac for portable use. ( I think, yes ?)
I'll start by ripping my existing cd's.

Anyone have any other ideas ? Any other portable players and headphones or earbuds they like (comfort and sound wise)?

On a related note:
How would I tag things I record from lp ? What program is good to use ?

Thanks in advance to all who reply,


Showing 1 response by jax2

If you want a portable rig that is going to be on par with your own home rig, you are looking at a bigger investment than $250 for an iPod, IMO, at least if you are coming at it with perfectionist expectations. The big drawback in portable devices is the crappy opamp output. Best to go with a LOD (line out dock) into a portable amp into some fine buds. At the top of that range here's an example of what a great rig would cost:

Classic iPod or iTouch if you want all the added BS $299
ALO Audio LOD $200
RSA SR71B Balanced* Portable Amp $650 OR Triad Audio Lisa III $600
JH16 earbuds $1200
*Whiplash TWAG Recable JH Audio to Balanced $225

Total = @ $ $2300 (welcome to the world of hi-end portable)

On a budget, I've found that my iPhone via UE10Pros is a fine compromise.