What is a better value speaker -- Kharma 3.2FE at

$21k or WP7 at $22k? I understand that choosing between these 2 speakers is more of a "personal taste" issue or perhaps a synnergistic issue with associated equipment.

The Kharmas, being imported speakers may be overpriced given the declining value of the dollar versus EU currencies. Wilson on the other hand, being a domestic product is not subject to currency valuation -- but are they at the proper price point?

Appreciate your thoughts.

Showing 2 responses by dgad

Honestly, you can't ask this question. you need to listen for yourself. They are so different in sound. It will be a matter of personal taste. Mine obviously is for th WP7. The Kharma's weekness' were to bothersome to ignore. I even think hearing both speakers in a stereo show is good enough to get an idea for the differences. Don't spend without listening or it will cost you more money if you are wrong.
Wilson has the best resale value of almost any speaker. This is due to them having a very strict policy on dealer discounts & the support a dealer must give them. Wilsons also are heavily advertised in many consumer magazines & lifestyle magazines - more than Kharma- thereby increasing their demand & resale for certain. Kharma, are often found discounted. Wilson have a high WAF considering their paint can be easily ordered to match and they are small. I know I sound very pro Wilson but I also consider resale a major part of any speaker as Audiophiles tend to change speakers quite often.

Now on to a big question. The WP7 is probably is at the end of the its "life cycle" and will probably be discontinued shortly. It has been around for a long time. That in itself would make me hesitate or try to find out how much your cost would be to upgrade in the future.

If you live in the US, Wilsons are US made & manufactured, giving them "local" service which is a nice advantage & would facilitate an easy but costly upgrade. I am not sure about Kharma.

While I love the WP7s I honestly never liked the 6s. I honestly don't feel anyone can judge the WP7 fairly based on the earlier "Wilson house sound".

Get a beautiful custom color and if it is in demand on resale you will be "exclusive" with the custom color and have the ability to command a high price.