What is a better value speaker -- Kharma 3.2FE at

$21k or WP7 at $22k? I understand that choosing between these 2 speakers is more of a "personal taste" issue or perhaps a synnergistic issue with associated equipment.

The Kharmas, being imported speakers may be overpriced given the declining value of the dollar versus EU currencies. Wilson on the other hand, being a domestic product is not subject to currency valuation -- but are they at the proper price point?

Appreciate your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by bryanhod

Just to put in my two cents, I auditioned both of these and they are great speakers. Each has their strengths and both can be bought used for about half the price you list. I decided to go to Avalon Eidolon Diamonds. Now these used are about 20K and new about 26K. So I think these have better value in that they retain their value, and in my opinion are supperior speakers.