What Integrated Amps have the sonics of Separates?

I want to get off the $$$ bandwagon. I'm tired of spending money, and then in a year, the equipment has dropped in used value substantially, since the fickle audiophile community has moved on to new favorites.

There must be very good sounding integrateds, or more modestly priced separates that perform as well. I'm still looking for quality, weight and finish, so it doesn't have to be just modest priced gear.

Thoughts: Rowland, Plinius, Simaudio, Vincent, or others. Don't want cheap, plastic, light stuff with limited power either.

There must be audiophiles who have felt the same way, and found things that satisfied them as well, or nearly as well, because they were tired of spending and spending.

Showing 1 response by richlane

Audiosoul Quote: "I have so far preferred preamps with tubes, finding transistor preamps flatter and having less body and air. No tube amps for me."

I too like a SS Amp coupled with a Tubed Preamp, sort of the best of both worlds.

Maybe you would like an Integrated "Hybrid"; a SS Amp with a Tubed Preamp built in. The BAT VK-300X may be a good choice. I'm sure their are others here that can recommend other high-end hybrids.