What has happened to NHT Xd and M6/T6?????

Looked at thier site and saw that they still have nice Evolution 4 $1500 but Class A M6 is nowhere to be seen nor is DEQX processed Xd.Anybody know what happened?Great reviews on both lines.I think the M was cheapest Stereophile Class A (for whatever that's worth right?).Anybody know???

Showing 1 response by chazzbo

I was surprised that given the "wows" gotten from the Xd's that more companies didn't jump on the DEQX bandwagon.Now we have the Emerald CS 2's with a Rane processor and it's supposed to blow doors on anything near it's 43500 price point (folks are modifying Rane too with good results I think from Cullen).But downside is you need 3 more like 4 ft behind them to wall so....But again surprised NHT ditched a "Class A" speaker so quick.