What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?

For example :I recently learned a hard lesson- I accidentally ran voltage thru my $3000 MC cartridge (kiseki purple heart).  I have a TT with 5 prong connector and a phono cable with a 5 prong connector.  I accidentally swapped where they plugged into and ran electric thru the tonearm into the cartridge.  It was a stupid - not thinking- hasty mistake. When I corrected the problem the cartridge was fried.  An avalanche of four letter words followed!

So what has been your biggest and/or costliest mistake?

Showing 1 response by tinear123

Adding damping material tweak to my 15" woofers... when removing one of the woofers from the enclosure I dropped it resulting in the magnet moving and locking the voice coil... Slick move trying to get that final 0.001% improvement that killed a woofer that is no longer manufactured.  So after 6 months trying 3 pairs of woofers w/ similar thiel parameters I finally landed on a solution with a minor crossover change.  Note there is no damping material on the new woofers and I'm perfectly fine with that.  Ugg.