What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby?

For example :I recently learned a hard lesson- I accidentally ran voltage thru my $3000 MC cartridge (kiseki purple heart).  I have a TT with 5 prong connector and a phono cable with a 5 prong connector.  I accidentally swapped where they plugged into and ran electric thru the tonearm into the cartridge.  It was a stupid - not thinking- hasty mistake. When I corrected the problem the cartridge was fried.  An avalanche of four letter words followed!

So what has been your biggest and/or costliest mistake?

Showing 3 responses by drkingfish

If this is a true story, and I doubt it.  I don't know how you can smile every evening at 6:30.  I honestly don't understand it. 
You admit in a public forum that you are a liar and in this case also a cheat.  It is one thing to say well I don't know if and how well they work, bad tubes, and the cost of any repair etc, I'll offer you $250 for the pair.  He can accept or reject.  Only looker or not, you knew what the were,  $30,000  + monoblocks (new) and you told the kid they were “organ amps” from an old Hammond electronic organ... not worth much."  Now he should have done his homework there is no excusing that but you lied and therefor cheated him.
I and most other "real" men who know who and what they are, including their flaws, work on their flaws to improve themselves and have character consider what you did disgusting!  A "real" man has character, honesty and integrity. They can be trusted.  You have none of those qualifications.  Maybe your wife is mad at herself for marrying someone who has no character.Karma has a way.....maybe some day you'll get home early and find your wife blo...g that 23 yr old kid.Have a nice day.

Really......."I paid for it alright".  That's your answer to having no morals, no values, no ethics. no character, no manhood.  OK I'm sure you think in simple, one thought sentences.  I'm sure you have never asked yourself what it means to be a "man". You sold your soul for $250,  People have sold theirs for less. I'm absolutely convinced that you have never asked yourself, how can I leave this world a little better than I found it.  A lot of us work a lifetime doing just that.  We sacrifice our families, our friends, our health, and untimely die younger than the average stats say we should.
Some people would never put themselves on the front line of dangers and you are obviously one of them. Because you need character to do that. Marines have a saying...most people stand behind the flag (I'm not so sure anymore unfortunately, my addition) Marines stand in front of it.I'm sure you would never make the grade, wouldn't even be close.
You know I'm not too hard to get along with, even though I am and most people I work with are Type A ++ personalities.  You want to see some nutso geniuses and or pretty smart people or at least that's what they think they are, walk around with me a day.  But I do know the Bobfather, I even examined  him once., what an honor that was)  All I am going to do is send on exact copies of what you and I posted here, nothing else and ask him should your Silver's ever need repair would he be willing to it.  This is a man with no affiliation with some companies he was no longer with and repaired out of warranty and no charge because the products still "had his name on them"  Again, Karma has a way of coming around.  I like birds a lot, I think my favorite is the Swallow.
to WSRRSW,My most sincere and heartfelt apologies to you.  I wrongly assumed it was a reply by the person I believed I told that lying was unacceptable.  It was not meant for you and I am sorry that I did not ck the post before replying.I never engage in internet war, never, but I guess I got carried away after a long day.  Really, I've told myself lately what does it matter (re many minor irritations) and here certainly about someone I don't know when all this stuff (actually a huge part of my life right now), is going on.  So I don't think I got up on the wrong side of my bed that day, but probably after a 14 hr day and that's the norm lately, went to bed that way.  So once again please accept my apology.
Semper Fi brother  May you have fair winds and following seas.