What has been a favourite moment in Audio?

My favourite has to be, when a sub blew a bunny's hat off.

I had the 'good taste' to place 2 bunnies on a sub.  Even 'better taste' to place military hats on them.  What I did not expect, while listening to music at an impactful volume, was for a hat blown off a bunny to 4 feet away.

I saw it out of the corner of my eye.  "What was that?" I thought to myself. "A rat?"

No rats fly (often).  It was the best thing ever.  A hat blown off a bunny's head by a sub and the bunny still sitting there with a "I don't know what just happened!" expression.

Awesome is just what happened!


@thecarpathian My bad.  That is funny!  Cheers dekay.  Not those kinds of bunnies.  But I reckon you could blow the hat off one of those bunnies with the correctly calibrated sub.  We need a different funny story.  We have all the imagery required for my one.

@dekay I like.  Possibly a joke about garbage in, garbage out.  Good use of a wheelie bin.  How do I post an image of the de-hatting?  Does it need to link to where it is already online?  It seems that way.

I’m flying by the seat of my pants when posting pics/links these days, but yes - unless you have a storage site the "already" works if it up for public use.

Not about in/out from my side, but curiously funny as far a subs go, IMO.

I enjoy "entertaining" Youtube videos - even more-so in this day and age.




Thanks for the story and now imagery I’ll never forget.  It made me remember when I went back to a 2 channel music only system a couple of years ago.  I was listening to Who’s Next, my favorite and go to 1st play/test album.  At the end of the 1st song, Baba O’Riley, when Keith Moon’s drums come up out of the background and build over time.  Put goosebumps on my arm and a smile on my face.  That’s a favorite audio moment for me.  Not very bunny but it’s what I’ve got to share.