What HardDrive Do You Use?

Wondering what hard drives you have used in your digital setup? I have a 3TB external OWC hard drive; works ok, but it's a good bit nosier than I would prefer.

Got a recommendation on a really good Quiet hard drive? Or, maybe a good (reasonably priced) SS drive?

Showing 1 response by rhanson739

Stickman --

Like you, I have an OWC case, but the drive was modified by Benjamin at Mojo Audio. He put in a 4TB AV drive, added some sound proofing and/or vibration absorption, and the drive is almost completely quiet. You have to be right on top of it, without the music on, in order to hear it.

As a photographer, I have many other drives, including the standard OWC Mercury Elite Pros, which is probably what you have. They're all too noisy for the stereo. I also have a couple of OWC Raid drives that sound like the local regional airport.