What happened with the BASS? MC352/C42/B&WN803

Hi.. last saturday, I took home a Mcintosh C42 to replace the Onkyo919 (as pre-amp). I can truely feel HUGE improvement with sounds stage, highs, superb mid-range, much lower background noise, and much more musical. However, bass seems to be weaken and less dynamic. although I haven't play much with the Equalizer yet. Can someone tell me why. Thanks!

My current set up:

B&W Natilus 803
Mcintosh MC352
Mcintosh C42
REGA Planet 2000
Richard Gray 400s
MIT Shortgun IC and speaker cables.

Showing 1 response by onemug

You say you changed the IC from the pre to amp. If you went to balanced, you need to flip the switch on the back of the 352. I had the 42/352 combo. It's very good. I wouldn't be suprised if the Onkyo was a little riper in the bass. It's a little trick to sound warmer or richer. The beauty of the 42 is you have the 8 band EQ. Just warm the sound up a bit with those knobs if you prefer. I would suggest flat for awhile to give your ears and brain a chance to adjust. The Mac's look good in the dark don't they.