@mojo771 I don't know which would work better with your dac. I believe USB uses the clock in your dac where coaxial uses the clock in the source. That could create a difference in sound quality.
I bought a USB cable that retails around $500 when I bought my Innuos. I haven't done any comparisons with other USB cables. I know some guys spend a lot more on USB cables.
I had always felt that my streamer sounded better than my cd/sacd player which I connect to my dac via coaxial digital. I bought an Acoustic Zen MC2 coaxial cable and now the sound quality is close. I never thought a digital cable would make much difference, but it did.
There may very well be little difference between the Innous streamer and the Vault. IDK. My Innous goes to a U18 ddc and into the i2s input on my dac. I haven't listened to it by going USB directly into my dac. I already had the U18, so I'm using it.
I was just pointing out that you're looking at more than just the difference in streamers. I'm not saying that your conclusion is wrong.