What happened to the Innous discussion

I really wanted to read the Innous discussion because I recently bought, and then returned, an Innous Zen. I had several people listen to it a/b with my Bluesound Vault and the difference was so minor that most couldn’t hear a difference. One person heard a small difference and thought the Zen had more "punch", but also thought it wasn’t as clear and revealing as the Bluesound Vault


Showing 1 response by kmcong

I have a Bluesound Node 2i.  I moded it with a TeddyPardo LPS and the improvement in SQ was significant. I'm sticking with the Bluesound rather than moving up to a more expensive streamer because I really like the BluOS operating software.  It's the only OS that supports both Amazon HD and Idagio,  which are the two streaming services that I use.