What happened to Rotel?

I feel Rotel's product quality has significantly gone down hill along with their service. I would never purchase a Rotel product ever again. I purchased a Rotel RSP-1576 only four years ago and now the volume occasionally VERY low, barely audible even turning the volume to near max. Completely unplug it would resolve the issue and make the volume return to normal. I tried to obtain warranty services through Rotel but was told I need a physical receipt despite I submitted it upon product registration. Their service is absolutely horrible and would try to deny your warranty claim for any little reason they can find. Worst of all, they don't have an actual office here but only a distributor, so their actual manufacturing entity isn't bound by US Consumer laws and there's no way to file a lawsuit against them. STAY AWAY FROM THIS BRAND


 Very sad to hear of their decline. I have a Rotel RSP-1069 pre-amp and RMB-1075 power amp which has performed flawlessly in my home theater setup for 14 years. I also have a 20 year old Rotel RCC-1055 5 disc changer in my main two channel system which I still use for HDCD playback. I have never had a problem with this brand. 

An electronic product is having an issue 4 years in? I wouldn't say that makes Rotel a bad company. Typical, not bad.  I am surprised that so many believe that this makes them a bad company. Most companies give a 2 or 3 year warranty. 

I hear you Angelgz2,

Bought store demo RMB 1555 (Black) from now defunct dealer in 2020. Was assured warranty was like new. Trigger out function quit in 2023 and I contacted Rotel.

First, I was told unit not registered. Second, after proving registration on Rotel web site, was answered warranty started when dealer opened box and is not transferable (this is unlawful according to Quebec Consumer Protection law). Third answer was unit is out of warranty as s/n indicates built in June 2013 !

Hard to believe my s/n (200-3461027) refers to amp built a few months after official unveil of RMB 1555 in April 2013 !

Tried to start list of Rotel RMB 1555 (Black) serial numbers with purchase date but no one on forum responding !

However good SQ is with Rotel (and it is rather good) I will not re-purchase any of their products. There are enough as good or better units on the market to avoid such questionable business practices while still getting superior sound and normal warranty service.

Current and future Rotel owners beware !

I've had good luck w/ all the preowned Rotel gear I've used. Has a very good sound for the money in my experience. They can be a bit system dependent.