What happened to Berkeley Audio Design

Just wondering if this company has ceased to exist as an engineering firm? 

They don't really seem to have released any new products (the Reference isn't one IMHO) in 4 years, with little news, announcements, trickle down or added features, and a quick search on LinkedIn did not find them. 

Does anyone have an inside scoop?



Showing 2 responses by gammajo

I applaud you for receiving the feedback in such an open a gracious manner. This thread could have easily devolved into a mean one. Thanks everyone for responding - I have been interested in BAD Reference but was holding off to see what happens with MQA. Glad to hear they are incorporating it.
I have no information about the store. I do know that many things effect what brands carried including margins. I was referring in my previous email to you being able to receive the feedback that it is fair and gentlemanly to be very careful in how questions are posed so as to not cast doubt upon anyone’s or company’s reputation without clear evidence to back up and before vigorously checking with them first to allow clarification of question. In other words I find it wisest to assume good motives and performance unless proven otherwise. That said, before I buy a piece of equipment I do very vigorous due diligence because I want to be long term happy. Following this dictum, I have been fortunate to have terrific relationships with people in this business that span decades.