What happened to all the tube amps?

Anyone notice there are very few great tube amps for sale these days? just great solid state What gives.
HaHa!!! That's exactly what I've been doing so far:
I pull out my hot tube amps when summer is over and put them back to the closet when outside temp-r reaches 80F!!!

How about creating some sort of hi-fi exchange similar to e-trade or fxcm?
there were very few great tube amps produced, so there aren't many available for sale.
um.... are you kidding me?

berning, joule-electra, art audio, music reference, manley, atma-sphere, do I need to say more? There are plenty of killer tube amps out there right now. There are some, but very few solid state I would own right now.

Tubes rule, period.
No really finally saved up enough to get pretty much anything i want now there pretty much gone. I really think there is a major tube thing going on. Las vegas Nv 89146