What happened?

I recently added new speakers, (Kharma 3.2's) to my system, and for the last 3 weeks have been in audio heaven. Whatever I played, either LP or CD sounded great. I found myself listening to things that I haven't played in years. This weekend, I sat down for a nice long listen, put in a CD and all was well. I put an LP on and the sound was horrible - thin, and bright. Nothing had changed, and as I said the CD sounded as it always had. So the problem has to be in the phono stage - built in MM in Hovland HP-100 preamp - or the cartridge - Clearuadio Virtuoso wood MM. When a cartridge goes is this what happens? It is only about 9 months old, with no more than 1000 hours on it.
Just when everything had finally come together.
Rest of system:
CAT-JL2 amplifier
Hovland HP-100 preamp
Accuphase DP-75V CD player
Kharma 3.2 ceramique speakers
Basis 2001 w/ Graham 2.2 and Clearaudio Virtuoso wood MM cartridge.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated

Showing 3 responses by verybigamp

Carl, nothing is wrong with your phonostage and cartridge. The problem you describe is unfortunately well familiar lately for many people I know. For the last 2 weeks the power lines are horrible with a huge amount of noise in it. I know some serious installation here in Boston and in NY that are practically unlistenable. I could describe how your system sounds not and you will be very surprised how exactly would be my description: it is the way in which ALL OUR SYSTEMS sound during the last 2 weeks. Your problem is that you were “stupid enough” to buy the decent speakers that can actually discriminate results. Most of the others will not get it. So this is NOT your system but what you hear are the sound of your currently faulty power lines.

Romy the Cat

I do not think so. The recent degradation of sound due to quality of electricity is more observable on the better systems then on the dull. The fact that his CD still sounds “OK” says only about an unfortunate quality of that Accuphase player” it even with the good power lines sounds not particularly interesting.

BTW, to your information only during the last week I intentionally auditioned 12 totally deferent systems the sound of which I know very well and ALL of them demonstrated the VERY SAME sonic signature that never was there before. (Also I have a conformations from MANY other listeners). Besides… the problem might and has already been corrected by using the clean power lines… So, I might propose that my diagnoses was correct, or at least VERY plausible.

John, I understand that you have fan to BS about the application of the habitual “audiophileic wisdom” but unfortunately to sing the songs about the changes of the tubes, apply shielding and end of the life of your funny Koetsu will not work in this case. Fortunately for you, kids, there was an idiot who already went over all imaginary troubles after the sound suddenly died two weeks ago. The idiot knew what he was doing, and went through everything lately (!) event totally rebuilt his phonostage! This idiot was “Romy the Cat” and he shares it with your guy just in order you do not panic and do not rapid my stupid actions.

I have a number of VERY serious and very credible people who experienced the VERY same result at the SAME TIME in their context of serious and very capable installations. So, I am not kidding, and sincerely proposed that in Carl’s case it was the electricity. Besides it is very simple to verify. Are any bids accepted?

Good luck,
Romy the Cat
Sitting next to the dead system.

The following email I have sent out least week:


I have a question to ask. I am experiencing very severe worsening of Sound sense the US” blackout started. The sound (both analog and digital) begins to sound like a chip digital from 70s : VERY harsh upper MF/HF along with a total luck of dynamics. Frankly speaking I spent a LOT of efforts to change tube and do the use audio BS but nothing helped. I assume that the problem somehow connected with the current state of electricity. Perhaps they use some type of auxiliary powers souses the screw everything up. Some of my friends in New England are experiencing the similar results.

I BCCed this email to the people from the different locations within US and Canada and would like you to reply if you find that you experienced the same problem during the last 10 days.

I appreciate your replies.

Romy the Cat"