What happened?

I recently added new speakers, (Kharma 3.2's) to my system, and for the last 3 weeks have been in audio heaven. Whatever I played, either LP or CD sounded great. I found myself listening to things that I haven't played in years. This weekend, I sat down for a nice long listen, put in a CD and all was well. I put an LP on and the sound was horrible - thin, and bright. Nothing had changed, and as I said the CD sounded as it always had. So the problem has to be in the phono stage - built in MM in Hovland HP-100 preamp - or the cartridge - Clearuadio Virtuoso wood MM. When a cartridge goes is this what happens? It is only about 9 months old, with no more than 1000 hours on it.
Just when everything had finally come together.
Rest of system:
CAT-JL2 amplifier
Hovland HP-100 preamp
Accuphase DP-75V CD player
Kharma 3.2 ceramique speakers
Basis 2001 w/ Graham 2.2 and Clearaudio Virtuoso wood MM cartridge.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated

Showing 1 response by edle

I think it is the tube problem in the preamp or caused by a dieing cartridge.........