What happen to favorite music list?

Come on Guys we can talk about wire and amps and speakers any day,lets put on some great tunes we can ge from each other. there was someone talking about this the other day and now its gone,I didn`t get a chance to write all the music down ,then the list was gone, so come on Carl and Albert,David put up the tunes and lets keep it going !!!!!!

Showing 3 responses by david99

I guess someone wants to run the show and not let us have fun here.Greg,I was wondering what happened here.Im quite new to the internet and just discovered e-BAY O.M.G. vinyl heaven!! I have bid on a album I had given up any hoe of ever finding on VINYL.According to all my inquires it was never released on VINYL but there it is and I WILL own it.TOOLS AENEMA! Maybe I havent grown up to much yet but to me there is nothing like ferocious power cords and explosive drums!I like Heavy Metal and modern rock!! And You??
Alright I confess.I like Tommy James and the Shondells!! The man has a voice that can make a metalhead melt.Now that I finally have a high rez system the Beatles sure sound different then from a AM radio in my old 68 Ford Econoline Van! Nothing like dimming te lights.torching up some incense and spinning The Threshold of a Dream.Talk about bringing back memories! How about some Sticky Fingers?My zipper's stuck but it sure sounds good.What am I doing sitting here typing when I can be spinning Stevie in my living room? Bye
I saw the STONES at Rich Stadium in Buffalo,NY in 74 or 75.All I remember is I was feeling real colorful that day and a biker sitting in front of me turned and puked on my shoes.I heard a killer blues song on the radio today.The guitar work was maybe the best I have EVER heard.The name of the song is "Im a Ram" thats all I know.Any one know this? Is it on vinyl? I loved it!!!