What gives? CD’s, Solid State?

I have recently acquired Rega’s upper-end equipment (Saturn, R-7 speakers, Cursa Pre and Exon Monblocks) and am NOT that impressed with the overall listening experience when playing CDs.

Some years back I had Conrad Johnson Pre and Power and listened to vinyl. How sweet, full and warm that sounded. I realize that was tube equipment and now I’m with solid state, but still…

So, I’m trying to trouble shoot here – Is it the CD medium (I wish I had a turntable to do an A-B comparison) or is it the solid state components that sound a bit edgy, dry and less than full bodied? Would my listening experience improve much if I acquired Rega’s P7 or P9 TT and used that as my source?


Showing 2 responses by rbschauman

The thought of a DAC has aroused my curiosity. Don’t know anything about these, so if anyone would care to validate (or correct) my thoughts I would be very appreciative.

So, does a DAC reside between the CD and pre-amp for converting the incoming CD signal to analog? Also, one quality I do like about my Saturn is its level of detail, which I wouldn’t want to loose during this conversion process – would it be compromised?

I did look in on the Nixon TD2 DAC and maybe it’s just what the doctor would order. However, I don’t want to loose any detail, but rather edge and all at the same time gain sweetness. Am I asking for to much?
Wow, thanks everyone for your thoughts!

Mapman, you are correct in that my system has become more relaxed and musical since I acquired it. The R-7 speakers certainly have improved in depth and bass. When I bought this stuff I was told there would be a break-in period and I am experiencing that. As Musicslug suggested, I’ve been running the daylights out of this stuff to expedite!

Nonetheless, I do feel that Jult52’s point is a valid one as well. Yes, I am experiencing improvement but I know well enough that this will never reach the nirvana I’m after.

So, what for now?…Ferrite snap-on gizmos? A DAC? Reside myself to the fact that the Saturn, although a good CD player, can’t replicate that vinyl analog sound I so like and therefore buy a TT? Hmmm, I’ll be looking into these suggestions.

2 other things: First, I have Rega’s best speaker cable, their SC 42 @$10/ft coming later next week which might help. Second, dirty power… has anyone ever had a “good” experience with a power conditioner? Many have said in Agon’s forum areas that many of these are wastes of money. Are there any good ones?

Before signing off, I do appreciate that no one knocked the Rega equipment – thanks.