What equipment upgrades or tweaks will improve the sound of drums?

Having just purchased a few quality vinyl recordings  of Elton John after watching Rocketman ignore his band, I'm looking for ways to improve the sound of Nigel Olsson's drumming.  My current system in a Line Magnetic tube amp, Rega Planar 3 w/Ortofon Blue Cartridge, and Audio Physic Step Plus speakers and a JL Audio sub (can't find model no right now).  I'm looking for the punch his drumming deserves.
TT upgrade?, cartridge? Other tweaks?

Showing 3 responses by geoffkait

I would be remiss by not giving a shout out to my New Dark Matter, the quicker picker upper. NDM eliminates both visible red and invisible infrared stray laser light in CD players in less than a picosecond. Restoration of bass frequencies is one of the primary benefits of NDM. I estimate 50% or more of the bass information and dynamics is simply missing in action due to the scattered light problem.

geoff kait
machina dynamica
we do artificial atoms right
As fate would have it in some cases people are sitting right smack dab in the middle of a standing wave. Can you believe it? It’s bound to happen sooner or later. Try walking around the room a little to see where the drum sounds louder, fuller, deeper. Also, try sitting on the floor.
Nothing like vibration isolation of the turntable and electronics to tighten up the bass and extend the frequencies another octave lower. Snap, crackle, pop!