What equipment do you most regret parting with??

Any audio equipment from speakers to phono stages...what do you wish you never gave up?

Showing 2 responses by uraniumcommittee

None. Everything I have now is better than anything I had in the past, or else I wouldn't have it. Though if I were still interested in LPs, I did rather like the Ortofon MC-20 and MCA-76 pre-preamp, and even better, the Stax cartridge.
Although we all have sold stuff we once owned and maybe still would like to have, we all got rid of it for a reason: something better came along. I bought Yamaha NS-690 speakers and loved them for a while, but then I heard the Rogers Studio 1s....which I kept for 20 years! I then found a nice set of Yamaha MS-1000M's, which are even older than the Rogers, so bye-bye Rogers. Do I regret getting rid of them? A little, but not enough to get me interested in getting them back.