What effects soundstage more ....

I have recently auditioned two sets of separates Pass x2.5/x250 and a Plinius CDLAD mkII/SA102. The speakers I have are on the revealing side, Angstrom Obbligato's. The differences between these two set ups was big. The Plinius set had a wonderful overall tone. The low frequencies sounded awesome, but they lacked some weight at low volumes. The Pass in contrast had weight at the low frequencies at low volumes and the soundstage grew in every direction. The drawback with the Pass was as the volume increased so did the "harshness" or attack. I want the soundstage and low volume "thump" of the pass with the better tone of the Plinius. Is there something that can do that? Would swapping the pre-amps help at all? What has the biggest effect on soundstage and tone ( amp or pre )? Any thoughts would be appreciated

Showing 1 response by aaronm

The Pass gear should not sound harsh when set up properly. I agree with Sean (as i usually do) that you may want to look at your cabling and be sure you are feeding the X250 adequate power. Power cabling also can drastically change the sound of the Pass preamps. Power cables don't have as great an effect on the Amps as much as the preamps.

I use dedicated lines, but I never have had the harshness you report with the non-dedicated lines. Non dedicated lines' quality is also dictated by what else is on the line. I had nothing using the circuits, but they were open and had cabling run to unused outlets via smaller gauge than is used now on my 10ga dedicated lines.

I use Synergistic cables with the Pass gear I own and have never had anyone express any notice of fatigue or harshness with any of my sources.

Ultimately, you should mix and match components to see if you find a mix that suits your tastes. I am fairly certain that the X250 isn't running out gas unless it is receiving an inadequate voltage from the wall. Try a different set of cabling to determine if that is the incompatibility issue causing you to be discontent. Best Regards,