What ecc82 for preamp

Looking for input of choice between 1963 hytron or 1951 ge Kentucky plant tubes for my preamp. I have a consonance T1 that uses four ecc82's. I currently am using jj gold pin that are starting to get noisy. I am looking for more clarity with out losing musicality any help would be great.

Showing 1 response by maxmad

Telefunken Smooth plates, Brimar Square Getter long plates, NOS Tesla ECC802S ( not JJ ), Tung Sol Black coated glass.

Personally, I love Mullards made between 1950-60's, but you may find them to warm?, however thats not the case for my taste.

There are many variations of ECC82 you can choose from: 12AU7, ECC82, ECC802S, CV4003, 5814A, 7316 and M8136

Check up here, very informative website

Good luck