What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?

I currently own a pair of ML Summits but considering a dynamic speaker which might offer more impact, however I am not wanting to part with the exceptional mids & highs that a good electrostat brings to the table.

Which dynamic speakers seem to offer the "best of both worlds" out there?

Also am wanting to stick with tube amplification, so has to be something that is decent to drive.

I have had and demeod maggies and to me they sound like an Electrostat with a sheet over it, my pint about the maggies was simply it has planar bass and cone bass is a diffrent animal,,,,man you guys get pissy hahaha
Chadnliz...Planar bass (at least with Maggies)is smoother than any box speaker, and sounds as if it goes lower than it really does. Really good. It just doesn't go that low (MG1.6 roll off at 40 Hz) and SPL at low frequency is limited. Planars that don't need SW help are huge.
I went from Martin Logan Requests to Avantgarde Duo Omegas.
The Duo Omegas, with proper room placement are better on all fronts.
The most LIVE, natural sounding speakers I have come across short of spending tens of thousands of dollars more. And being super efficient they can be driven by low-power tube amps.
i find it hard to listen to cone speakers, because they have a driver and cabinet coloration, which in most cases is evident after about 1 to 2 hours of listening.

i think di polar radiating loudspeakers, not hybrids, are characterized by less inaccurate timbre than that of cone designs.