What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?

In this post let's consider alcohol, nicotine, and coffee drugs, as they are, along with the usual suspects that can get you arrested in most US states and beheaded in Saudi Arabia. I live in Victoria, Canada, which has more marijuana shops than Starbucks, and we have tons of Starbucks. In 10 minutes, I can walk from my house to four dispensaries, which will sell to anyone over 18. OK, enough bragging, For me, a puff, and just one puff (I don't like getting stoned) can be the best tweak ever. A glass of wine is also a fine compliment. Too much alcohol will increase my enjoyment (because I'm drunk) but put Phil Spector in the room (wall of sound and loss of the stuff I value in my system, such as clarity).

Showing 3 responses by lcherepkai

The usual suspects of the hallucinogens can make a listening session more interesting, or disturbing, or pleasurable..... but, by far, the most engaging substance to listen to SOME music on is Salvia Divinorum and consider that to be true with the higher powered extracts (30X and stronger).  Pure leaf and weaker extracts won't take you there.  The duration is only about 10 minutes but your immersion in the music and the world it creates is almost total in that you experience a complete vision, not an alteration of the place you are in.  Your listening room will disappear to be replaced by an altogether different location.   Select your music wisely for positive results.  I've had my best experiences with the more tribal offerings of Steve Roach.  Pushing the envelope, Randy Greif's  cd "Verdi's Requiem" is mind-blowing but potentially frightening for the inexperienced.  I've avoided other genres so can't comment on them.  Just my 2 cents....
I don't respond unless I have direct experience with regards to that posted.  I'm not interested in offering uninformed opinion nor am I remotely interested in reading that of others although their ignorance can be a source of amusement.  I don't partake of any mind-altering substance any longer; haven't in a few years for the salvia and many more for the usual suspects of hallucinogens.  I just thought to offer my earned though personal experience insight as to the wonder of music and salvia.  

I have appreciated reading about the preferences of those who actually offered their opinions on their personal experiences but the commentary of those who offer nothing but their prejudices is never welcome.  And the condescension.....how can you say anything if you don't have experience with that in question?  And even more so when you don't even know what that is.    

Quoted from asvjerry:   "As for some of the 'really exotics' mentioned, well...check the MSDS on whatever it is, and keep a copy handy for the EMS in your pocket..."  What'd he take?"   "Huh, beats me.  Keeps jabbering about cables frying his brain...."   and     "I wonder if hallucinogens will come back in style...they were big during Nixon and Reagan.  I wonder what Darnold will drive us to? *L*    I'll pass on self-inflicted lobotomies with a hot screwdriver, thanks..."  

You're welcome to your opinion, seemingly uninformed as it is on the topic in question.  I believe the experiences I've drawn upon to respond to this post actually improved my mind, opened me to possibilities I wouldn't have been able to consider without them.  Fried my brains....self-inflicted lobotomy?  If you say so.....  I don't wish to offer a personal challenge to you.  Think what you will  but see that your words are an insult whether intended or not.  I listen to 99% of my music in a completely sober unaffected manner but I know that my enjoyment can be (as has been in the past) GREATLY increased with the addition of substances.   Many thanks to all who have offered of their actual experiences.