what does "Air or a Halo around instruments" mean?

Ive heard many reviews describe speakers that have "Air or a Halo around instruments" , what exactly does that mean?

Showing 1 response by mikelavigne

Eantala, there is a difference between "air" and "halo". when i owned Wilson Watt/puppy 3/2s and then later 5.1s there was a definite "halo" of energy around images that i became enamored with. this "halo" would slightly highlight and blur images.....but at the time i liked it. my opinion is that it was an artifact and not natural. when i upgraded to the WP6 the "halo" went away....and at first i thought i was missing something. then i realized that on the WP6 images were much more 3-dimentional and organic. and that i was getting ambient clues previously obscured by the "halo".

"air" can mean a few different things; it can mean a sense of real space that the instrument occupies.....it can mean the "presence" of the room and resolution of the total space....it can mean the high-frequency extension and floating sensation of notes as they decay. obviously, these meanings are related but slightly different. another way to put it would be to say that "air" and "open" are similar.

"air" sounds natural....."halo" is an artifact of the reproduction chain. you will never hear a "halo" in a live performance (based on my interpretation of that word).