what does "Air or a Halo around instruments" mean?

Ive heard many reviews describe speakers that have "Air or a Halo around instruments" , what exactly does that mean?

Showing 1 response by john_l

I've found that cables (matched to the system) are really what makes or breaks this effect. I can put a badly matched cable into my system, and instantly it is transformed from 3d to 2d.

Tube equipment is definitely the way to go for a sense of presence or air. You can get a 3d effect from solid state, it just doesn't feel as 'alive'.

When a system is well set up, you can distinctly tell that there are x players in the room, and where each one is sitting & how far apart hey are. You can also tell when one moves their instrument up or down. You can almost feel like you could get up and walk around & behind each individual player.