What does an impedance-matching issue "sound" like?

I recently added a 2nd Luxman MQ-88uSE to my 2 channel system, bridged to mono so I am running a Luxman to each of my 6ohm Volti Rivals.

The SE version of this Luxman amp only has single speaker taps which output 25Wpc to 6 ohms, and 20Wpc to 4 ohms and 8 ohms (from the manual). I used a jumper between each of the "positive" taps so I am not sure what the bridged output is to the 6 ohm Rivals.

Now what I am hearing is definitely more power and presence in the sound, better bass, as well as improved separation. BUT occasionally I am hearing what sounds like a bit of breakup deep in the mix of some songs. Like the whole channel isn’t breaking up, but suddenly a rhythm guitar part sounds noisy like it’s being played through an AM radio or something. On some songs, the entire mix may sound reduced in scale and less dynamic.

I am not sure if my ears are playing tricks on me, or if I’m crazy, or if there could be something happening in the pairing of these amps and speakers that is bad for the equipment and sound. I realize this is a complicated issue because one amp is brand new and the other is broken in, and they are both tube amps., So chasing down the culprit could get messy.

Is it possible there are impedance issues at play here? What would that sound like?


Showing 1 response by jollygreenaudiophile2

I have two questions for you. 
  1. Is the "Problem", repeatable? 
As in your having the ability to re-play a specific song/s or passage which gives you these mid-range errors "Every-time"? 
Or is "It", an inconsistent problem? So that when the same song is played over again, the same errors refuse to show themselves? 
  2. Have you tried using any software/hardware test and evaluation systems made for trouble-shooting and/or tweaking a system? You can purchase the software and hardware, "Usually just a test mic, software DVD for your PC and an audio adapter", very cheaply these days and it is now very user friendly AND exponentially more powerful compared to those available even just a few years ago.  And it is the exact same gear many professionals utilize today to Install, test, fix and tweak all of your components including cables! I have owned a few over the years.
"Dayton" has a system named, "DAT's V2", for around just a "C-note"! There is also a "True RTI" system, "Which I still use", for a bit more. 
"The (True RTI's) cost is dependent on the (Octave Set), ordered".     
Either of these packages will let you very simply and easily go through your system. "I am pretty sure others here will chime in on the different (makes/models)", of software/hardware packages and kits.
   You could learn to use and then completely test out all of your gear in a single weekend. There should also be someone locally you could hire to come out with their gear and do it. But "They", can get quite expensive very quickly. OR, You could just keep "Guessing"...…
    I personally? Do NOT think it is an "Impedance" problem. Alas, I am too far away to hear it to test anyway! "Possibly a bad transducer or crossover though". But with the cost of your gear? And a problem with a plethora of variables that would keep, "At least ME", up at night!! I think that you, "may" want to give this a try! 
I did, and never looked back!