What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost?

Like many things, I have come to believe that the cost of incremental improvements in audio come at exponentially increasing costs - e.g., big improvement from $5K to $10K, less so from $10 to $15K, etc. All of us have our limits regarding what we can/will spend to achieve our best possible/practical audio experience. So, a couple of questions that I am sure are at least somewhat subjective.

A. What does it cost, in terms of components, interconnects, and direct furnishings (e.g., racks, isolation pads, surface room treatments, etc.) to achieve 90% of the absolute best sound possible?

B. What % does $50,000 get you?

FWIW, my setup is at about $21,000 actual cost ($32,000 original retail) and I am really happy with it right now. All of my incremental spend for the next couple of years is going to be working the room itself. Looking forward to your perspectives!


Showing 1 response by jsalerno277

This is subjective based on room size, room acoustics, and the audiophiles ability to discern subtle differences in sound quality between brands and components,

for as you go to higher price point equipment, the absolute value of the performance/price ratio becomes smaller.  Differences perceived important to one listener may not be important to another.  That said, from my personal perspective a spend of around $75k should get to 95% of the best of the best.  If you buy preowned you can take 30% off of that spend.  To me, I believe my system is at the 95% performance level at a retail cost of around $90k and a preowned cost of about $45k.  I would have to double that spend to achieve a 2 or 3% improvement and much more because my small home and listening room would need expansion to accommodate the equipment required to achieve improvement.   My home is my limiting factor.  My weakest link now is my server/streamer where I would need to double or triple my spend.