What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost?

Like many things, I have come to believe that the cost of incremental improvements in audio come at exponentially increasing costs - e.g., big improvement from $5K to $10K, less so from $10 to $15K, etc. All of us have our limits regarding what we can/will spend to achieve our best possible/practical audio experience. So, a couple of questions that I am sure are at least somewhat subjective.

A. What does it cost, in terms of components, interconnects, and direct furnishings (e.g., racks, isolation pads, surface room treatments, etc.) to achieve 90% of the absolute best sound possible?

B. What % does $50,000 get you?

FWIW, my setup is at about $21,000 actual cost ($32,000 original retail) and I am really happy with it right now. All of my incremental spend for the next couple of years is going to be working the room itself. Looking forward to your perspectives!


Showing 2 responses by asctim

We're talking about best sound possible from 2 channel audio, which in my opinion is able to sound very good, but is fundamentally limited by the format. 

From my perspective, and from my limited experience I'd say a carefully selected equipment setup could get you 90 percent of that potential for about five thousand dollars. This is assuming you want accurate, uncolored sound that doesn't extend too deep in into the infra-bass, and isn't trying to fill a large room with very high sound levels. 

If you want boutique sound, I have no answer. It totally depends on what sort of effect you're looking for. 

I'd say $50,000 should be able to get you direct sound from the speakers and electronics that is indistinguishable from perfect, in terms of accuracy, to the human ear (for that format.) 

The catch is I said direct sound. Excellent $50,000 systems with very wisely chosen components can all sound different. That's because perfect hasn't been defined yet in terms of dispersion and the resulting indirect room reflections. So people may still have their preferences between these systems as played in various rooms. And some people may be perfectly justified in their preference of a $2000 system over a $50,000 system because they like the directivity of the $2000 system's speakers more. 

I saw a video where a coffee expert was blind tested to see if he could distinguish different levels of coffee. He did really well, and explained that somewhere around $30 / lb the actual quality of the coffee was completely topped out. After that It's just differences that aren't necessarily better, just distinctions he could pick out because he was so familiar with them. So he was able to tell the even higher priced coffees apart because he was familiar with their distinctive characters. That's the boutique effect. When you're talking about $1,000,00 worth of speakers and electronics,  I'd say that's 95% boutique sound if it's just a 2 channel stereo setup that isn't a stadium filling professional concert system.