What do you think of this power cord?

Maze Audio is a family-owned company that states it hand-makes its cables in the US.  There is a range of prices for power cables, but I was looking at this entry cable.  I don’t see any mention of the metal used in the cables, but I don’t know if that is as crucial for power cables as for interconnects.  I am interested in your opinions.  Thanks.


Showing 5 responses by glupson

When it comes to gauges, I am not sure how it goes. Zu describes their cheaper cables as 9/13/13 and most expensive ones as 9/9/9 and gives other measurements (resistance, etc.). Signal Cable says 10 and that is it. On the picture, they look very similar in size.

Speaking of end-game equipment, Zu lists "Life Expectancy: 100 years+" Can you beat it?

Let’s add one more brand with inexpensive cables that look fine, are reasonably flexible, and come in different lengths.


They do sell on eBay via auction. It is them, not somebody else selling their cables. Their offers on eBay get regularly updated so, if you do not see what interests you today, check it out in a day or two.



OFC in the description means "oxygen free copper". As far as "the best copper on the planet", etc, would you advertise the product that not many need and you ask substantial money for as "made of just an average material"?

To put things in the other perspective, I recently, a week or two ago, bought a few "aftermarket" power cords. Stock ones were just fine, but too long. Made a mess behind the equipment. I did try to compare. I am happy that I bought them as they are the right length now, but as far as sound goes, I would recommend you take some kid for ice-cream instead of spending money on power cords. Someone can talk about synergy, this, that, add a few more wise things, but ice-cream is a better deal, no matter how you look at it. It may even earn you a few karma points that power cords will not. Those power cords are from bona fide audio company and they were as cheap as aftermarket cables go, but still more expensive than what I already had.

If you decide to pursue cords, make sure you know in advance when you will stop. There are many "best coppers in the world" vying for your money and each one is more expensive than the previous one.

"These cables start with audiophile grade 10 gauge OFC copper wire."

It is in the description lower on the page.

It should be as good as any cable that works. It probably does look better. Pay attention to length.