What do you think Audiogon does right? or wrong?

Ok, a little self reflection...

What do you think Audiogon does right (or the best)?

What do you think Audiogon does wrong?

Personally I love the Virtual Systems, whoever thought of this should get a gold star.

The thing I last like about this site has to do with Auctions. I think the high bidder should be listed (like ebay does for auctions that are not private) for each item. When I cannot tell who I am bidding against, I sometimes am hesitant to bid.


Showing 1 response by kleech

I like the forums. In the olden days we would hang out at stores and talk audio with fellow 'philes, dealers, manufacturers' reps etc. Colorful characters and interesting ideas. Now, although I'm not necessarily persona non grata, I feel a little sheepish about visiting dealers since I do most of my shopping online. Audiogon has become a surrogate for this activity. Although it is a little impersonal you can't beat its operating hours. Perhaps pics of frequent contributors would be helpful!

From offline discussions I know that the regular posters, as good as they are, represent only the tip of the knowledge base iceberg that visits the site. Then as now, I mostly absorb the collected wisdom (with a grain of salt) but occasionally burp something out like this. I wish more people would post.