What do you think?

I was just reading through the new ads today. I came across a listing of an item, one of which I just sold. Well guess what, my picture had been lifted to use in this ad.
I have already sold my piece, but I think the seller should have emailed me first to ask permission. I will say the caption under pic said "taken from another ad without permission". Kind of surprising.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat

Showing 1 response by wratman

I think I can go one better. Some years ago I posted an ad with pictures.
Within a day or two, another Agon member posted an ad for the same piece of equipment
using my photos. Now we have two ads for a unit, that share the same photos, and are
running at the same time.
What could I do? I contacted the other seller and he couldn't care less.
I modified my ad to say "photos of actual equipment".
After some extensive therapy, I am happy to report that I am ok. It happens!