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I was just reading through the new ads today. I came across a listing of an item, one of which I just sold. Well guess what, my picture had been lifted to use in this ad.
I have already sold my piece, but I think the seller should have emailed me first to ask permission. I will say the caption under pic said "taken from another ad without permission". Kind of surprising.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat

Showing 1 response by paulfolbrecht

I have had my photos used by others on at least three occasions I can recall offhand. I suspect there are more as these are just ones I came across by chance.

The way I handle it is to just send a polite, ribbing email like 'Guess you liked that photo, eh? :)'.

I don't really strongly mind it, but I guess each time I felt like something subtly dishonest had gone on, since the item listed had now been used by the new owner for at least some period before his listing. In other words, though the item might indeed have still looked just the same, the photo being used was now 'old'.

I had a friend who had that problem with match.com...