What do you recommend for less than $3000

I'm looking to assemble a physically small setup in the bedroom consisting of Integrated Amp, CD player and mini-monitors to playback mainly jazz instrumental and vocals.

Showing 1 response by cinematic_systems

Blue Sky System One 2.1 $1895,

Arcam CD82T $1199,

The elegance of simplicity, a 12inch subwoofer and 2 powered monitors, this is a full range system that impresses with its outstanding parts quality. Its bass management controller acts as the remote volume preamplifier and allows you to "calibrate" the subwoofer to satellite crossover to get get perfect integration.

The Arcam is a first rate CD player. There are several reviews.

As a system it will be difficult to get a more dynamic or refined full range system for $3000 . Cables come with speakers and I'm sure you have a set of interconnects around you could use. You'll need $100 for stands or wallmounts.

For bedroom listening the System One may be too engaging in its studio monitor lineage to relax and go to sleep too. The systems only weakness. for your application.

I'm a dealer for both manufacturers, Its a double edge sword carrying products you like. :)