what do you have your wadia 861 siiting on?

Does any Wadia 861 user have a specific preference as to what type of stand you have your player sitting on? I'm not planning on using an equipment rack and would rather use a dedicated stand. Let me know what's working the best for you.

Showing 1 response by gnsc

We've tried a lot of them here under the 861, and by far the best is a custom platform made by Critical Mass Systems. These platforms set a new standard in resonance contriol in my opinion. I have no affiliation with them, I just think they are the best and we use them here at Great Northern Sound under the CD player and our amps (and we're in the que for one for our Well Tempered Reference turntable). Your search is over if you truly want the best....

Check 'em out: www.criticalmasssystems.com