What do you do when you live hours from nowhere

Any suggestions when you live someplace with zero audiophiles and no stereo shops? I have, by far, the best system of anyone I know and I can't find anyone to relate to or from whom I can learn and experiment with.

I've tried to talk to some audiophiles in metro areas and get the snobby "brush off" and I find the advice here spotty (newbies showing off what they don't know and old guys not sharing what they do). In talking with the snots, If you happen to use a term incorrectly or don't mention soundstage or dynamics in describing a system they conclude you don't know anything about sound. If your equipment is different from what they think is correct then you're an idiot. If you ask a simplest question, you're an idiot. I've had good to excellent component systems for 40+ years, but I don't tend to use the lingo. The attitude is part of what has high end audio "shooting itself in the foot."
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Showing 4 responses by jafant

I have always lived in an area where there were no independent B&M operations. Atlanta GA is the closest for me...

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

You have Audio Alternative that has become HiFi Buys Atlanta,
Georgia Home Theater (GMT) and one additional shop, in NE Atlanta outside of the perimeter.  These would be (3) places to start. Furthermore, each operation carries different gear, no overlap.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I heard that -nab2-

Very sadly, ATL has lost several Audio operations over the last 10years?
This is our 6th major U.S. city!  Even worse, Houston is our 4th major U.S. city has also has little to none Audio operations.

keep me posted & happy listening!