What do you do when you listen to music?

An Audiophile friend of mine surprised me when he said he listens to music for 2-3 hours per day.
And when he says "Listen" he means that he actively listens; just sits and listens.

Does not read, does not thumb through magazines... Just listens in the "sweet spot" in his living room and becomes immersed in the music.

I NEVER do that. But then I am not an Audiophile (yet).
What do you do when you listen to music?

Showing 2 responses by weiserb

Usually I sit on the couch in the sweet spot. Sometimes I sit in my easy chair put the Grado RS ones on and a pair of blindfolds and drift away
I also listen while in the Garage, at the office, in the Shower, cooking and BBQing as I installed music systems in all of those locations too. Vintage receivers and Linn Classics make great systems. My Carver receiver in the garage Rocks for about $200.00 I have a HK CD player with a dual Bur-brown converter chip that someone put it the trash It is a great unit(when they work) that can be purchased for about $50-75.00. I also hooked up the ipod to the Carver with the cable.