What do you do when you listen to music?

An Audiophile friend of mine surprised me when he said he listens to music for 2-3 hours per day.
And when he says "Listen" he means that he actively listens; just sits and listens.

Does not read, does not thumb through magazines... Just listens in the "sweet spot" in his living room and becomes immersed in the music.

I NEVER do that. But then I am not an Audiophile (yet).
What do you do when you listen to music?

Showing 2 responses by rar1

Am I the only one who falls asleep?

When I listen to my main system (living room), it has now gotten to the point where I will just put on any CD, usually one with vocals ... pass out for 40 minutes or so ... wake up ... put on the CD that I really want to listen to. I usually do some light magazine reading.

When I listen to the system in our TV & computer room, I am usually sitting at the computer and listen to satellite radio, or the other tube stereo system, or half watch TV.

Admittedly, I am more concerned with the quality and beauty of the sound and not too hung up on stereo imaging, unless the lack of it is positively distracting, like some opera recordings where it sounds like the singers are 30 rows back.

Regards, Rich
Hi Mr. Tennis:

My main system consists of the following:

Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24 preamp/cd player
Prima Luna Prologue 5 tube power amp
Opera Platea floorstanding speakers

interconnects: Ixos Silver Gamma silver/copper hybrid
speaker cables: Signal Cable
treatments: homemade speaker bases of 4" of Auralex foam resting on 12" square, 1/4" thick marble tiles

other equipment:

SONY SCD 555ES SACD player
Denon vintage turntable

System does a very nice job on vocals and acoustic instruments. Sound is detailed, but a touch on the warm side.

Regards, Rich