What do you do when the kids come along?

Dear Friends,
Soon in a matter of 6 weeks I will be celebrating my nuptials and if all goes well I believe I can see kids on the horizon. I am curious how the birth of a new child may change your audio experience. I am wondering this since my speakers were bought used from a gentlemen on this web site (hi bruce, love the speakers) who sold them when he had his first child. Will I ever have time to listen to my music again? Is this yet another thing they didn't tell me about when I popped the question?

Showing 1 response by albertporter

I too agree with Hdm's advice. Although my sons bedroom is next to my audio system, I continued to play music as though he never came along.

Now that he is 16 (as of 5 days ago) we often listen together. I had to eject a new CD from my computer that he bought today, he wanted to share it with me before I logged onto Audiogon.

My point? Share your music with your child. You love them both and later the child will not only respect you for your passion, they will share it with you.