What do the different tube amp types mean?

Can someone please explain in simple terms what the different Tube amps do and soundlike? ALso, what makes a Tube different from another? >> SET, PushPull, Triode, Pentode, Ultralinear, Class A, etc;

Showing 1 response by dsper

Hi All,

Right now I an listening to Jimmy Rogers "Blue Bird" and am rocking! 

I recently pulled the trigger on a pair of Klipsch Forte iv speakers (8 ohm and 99dbl efficient) in order to hear what more efficient speakers can sound like. This is with a CJ LP66S amp, which at 60 wpc, is much more than enough power.

Anyway, I am liking what I am hearing and wondered what tube amp topology is a "better" fit for a horn loaded speaker? And, in layman's terms why is this so?

I think I read somewhere that less negative feedback is important for horns to sound good. Heck, I do not even know what topology the CJ amp is so I am looking for guidance. I can tell you the Fortes are awful with my McCormack DNA-500 amp, which sounds wonderful with my power hungery Thiels.

Thanks for listening,
