What do the arrows mean on my cable?

And how do I tell the difference between a digital cable and an RCA cable, they look the same.

Are the ones with the arrows more likely to be RCA for analog connections?


Showing 4 responses by jjss49

be sure to plug it into the speaker the right way

i can’t believe you guys are still responding seriously to this clown’s posts... it is inane trolling

this character has started 108 discussion threads since ’joining’ in january 2021 - not responses, 108 THREADS STARTED... give me a break...



Discussions started 10


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@roxy54 - gotta love it when a new keyboard tough guy, here for not even 90 days, wields the big stick

568 posts in less than 3 months is pretty darned impressive though...


You two are no better than the people you cast dispersions on.

we truly don’t believe we are better than others, in fact we come here to learn and help other real users

but i suspect we are indeed better than you, in that we don’t hide behind the keyboard and play anonymous tough guy... no courage required for that... just lame