What do audiophiles do in their cars?

All of you forum members with your killer home systems…what do you listen to in your cars?  Do y’all have custom stereo systems?  Does the quality of the stereo system actually impact your car buying decision?  I have a B&O setup in my 2021 truck, which was an upgrade and sounds decent enough, but nothing compared to a typical HiFi home system.

Showing 1 response by sooliwen

The quality of the stereo system never impacts my car buying decision because nothing that is OEM (including upgrade options like Mark Levinson, B&O, etc.) is worth the price you pay. Even the renowned Lexus Mark Levinson upgrade is very poor sound quality. The speakers seem like they're made of cardboard. So I buy whatever car I like and then custom build my audio system. I do it because I drive longer distances and the music helps me relax. If your ear is "trained" to hear/notice differences in home audio setups you will also hear them in your car. I usually drive with the windows up to minimize outside interference. If I feel like a nice breeze of course the sound quality suffers but the option is mine. If you don't know whether it's worth it just go to a custom sound shop and listen to one of their demo cars while driving.