What do $2500 speaker cables sound like?

Sooo curious about this.  I now use cables costing about $200 and 20 yrs old.

dont want to throw out brands, but its well known.

what can someone expect?


Showing 1 response by richopp

Uh, I would guess they SHOULD "sound" like nothing. Otherwise, you paid 2500 for something to add "sound" to your system?

Exactly what "sound" were you looking to "add?"

My customers were always trying to NOT "add" to the sound of their systems, but hey, that was in the 1970’s, so what do I know?

Here’s a crazy suggestion: Have your dealer set up a pair of Magneplaner speakers IN YOUR ROOM and see what you "hear." My guess is that, depending upon what other "sounds" you have added to your system, you will hear the music, period.

Imagine that.
