What do $2500 speaker cables sound like?

Sooo curious about this.  I now use cables costing about $200 and 20 yrs old.

dont want to throw out brands, but its well known.

what can someone expect?


Showing 1 response by oscar44

Just thinking aloud here but if spending more on cables is sufficient to make a buyer believe their system sounds better,  then the secret of improving our systems is revealed. Wish it were that simple. 

More seriously, invest in some samples from the Cable Co as Ghosthouse says above, and have at it.  Nothing like comparing different cables in your own rig and room to learn how much impact cabling might have for your ears. You'll save money in the long run and give yourself an education.  If so inclined, try some A/B testing with friends too, but don't confuse that with relaxed listening, unless of course your idea of relaxed listening is cable testing. To each their own.