What did you own in the 60's?

Here is one for the more mature folks here.

My first component system was a XAM 20 watt receiver, a Garrard 40B turntable with a 1 cent Grado cartridge, & a pair of XAM speakers with single 8" "full range" speakers. It was the house brand of EJ Korvette, a discount department store on Long Island. I probably would have done better if I could have talked my dad into going to Lafayette, but it was a longer trip.

I replaced the Garrard with a $91 AR XA in 1969. It was obvious that turntables sounded different, even to a 16 year old! I don't recall reading that in Stereo Review!

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Dua1 1019, Shure V15 cartridge, Dynakit PAS3, Dynakit Stereo 70, Knight/EV 15TRX in bass reflex enclosures.

My first system was two Lafyette kit 8 watt tube mono amps, Lafayette/Goodmans 8" three way drivers in Lafayette kit enclosures,a Glaser-Steers automaatic turntable with platter which stopped when record dropped, Shure md3 carttidge which lacked output for the Lafayette tube amps,so had to add the Dynakit Pas3 preamp I have been at this hobby ever since.
Strange how some items go up in value. The Goodmans are now selling for #300 a pair on Ebay, not bad for $15.00 drivers. Same for the Dynakit Pas 3. But then look at the current value of the Marantz 7!