What did you add to your 2 channel system to do HT?

My system is really two channel with components added to create a low budget home theatre system.  My LTA MicroZOTL preamp has a HT input that basically locks the level. Not a true pass-through like my conrad johnson had, but it works. Things I've added include:

Onkyo TX-RZ820 receiver which is only used for processing 

Adcom GFA555 amp for center channel 

Denon PMA600 amp for two surround speakers 

Sonus Faber center channel speaker 

PSB CS500 surround speakers

SVS PB12-nsd subwoofer (in addition to my REL subs) 

Sony Ubp-x800m2 Blu Ray

75 inch Samsung HD LED tv

Pretty low budget and mismatched.  I had the Adcom laying around, so I put it to use.  The system sounds good enough for the little bit of movie watching I do.  The Onkyo will do 7 channel, but only doing 5.1. 

I'm curious to hear what other people do to convert a two channel setup to multichannel? 


Showing 9 responses by sls883


That's correct.  When I run 2 channel, none of the HT components are in the signal path. 

My two REL subs have both speaker level and LFE line level inputs that can be used simultaneously with different gain controls for each.  When I do HT, they are pulling double duty. 

@carlsbad2 yeah, they're not the best, but decent for a ceiling mounted speaker.  I forget to mention that I'm using a small Martin Logan subwoofer with the two surround speakers.  That helps some.

My furniture doesn't really work with floor standers in the rear. I have a pair of Von Schweikert VR-4 sitting unused, but they're pretty huge.

I had been using some tiny surrounds by Cambridge Audio thinking the rears were mostly just ambience. I hooked up the PSB and ML sub and I hear all kinds of stuff now coming from the rear channels. 

@carlsbad2 I should mention that you don't have to assign the HT designation to any of the inputs, so if you don't need it, you don't use it. 

@carlsbad2 Nice system.  I've not heard of those speakers, but they look quite interesting with four 8" woofer.  

My conrad-johnson preamps had a true theatre pass through.  The front channels from the surround processor went straight through the preamp to my amplifier.  My LTA is not that way and it confused me at first when I was trying to level match the 5 channels.  LTA picked some random output level for one of the inputs that is labeled HT and locked it there.  I contacted them to verify this. 

@mswale Yeah, I realize that the Adcom amp is overkill, but I had it laying around, so I'm using it.  My two-channel amp is a much higher quality Coda.

The Sonus Faber center speaker is actually fairly well matched to my Von Schweikert mains.  That was just dumb luck as much as anything.  I have an older center channel speaker by Von Schweikert and the Sonus Faber is actually a better match. 

I have two REL S/510 subwoofers that I use for two channel.  They are great for that purpose, but my larger SVS does better for explosions, etc.  It sits in the back of the room and seems to work well there. It does nothing when I play two channel audio.

I'm really not trying to improve upon the HT end.  Just explaining what I have and wondered what other people did.  I'm not a real home theater enthusiast. My two channel system is much higher quality that the HT gear.

@mahler123 I have a number of concert videos on DVD and Blu-ray.  A few of them have really good audio. Most don't.

You definitely wouldn't build a system like mine if your emphasis was on movies. Mine does OK for me, but it would be pretty lacking compared to a high dollar dedicated home theater. 

I need to get The Last Waltz.  Thanks for mentioning it. 

I'm watching Land of Bad on Netflix.  Lots of explosions.  Looks like a good movie. 👍

@bugredmachine You had some nice stuff sitting in boxes.  It's great that you're able to use it!  :)