What did Shahinian Obelisks cost in the late 1980s

Been thinking of selling my pair that I bought in the late 1980s but honestly forgot what I paid for them. Anyone remember what they went for back then?


Showing 1 response by roberjerman

I heard the Obelisk's back in 1977 at the NY Audio Show. Richard Shahinian personally demoed them using a PSE amp and preamp. Signal source was a TT (can't remember the make) with a MC cartridge. The hotel room was small, but the sound of the classical symphonic LP's that Richard played was superb - the best of all the exhibitors at that show. I listened raptly for several hours! Near the end when the show was closing down, Richard offered to sell me the demo pair of Obelisk's for $450! Now I wish I had taken his offer! I declined because I already had at home a pair of DCM Time Windows (certainly competitive with the Obelisk).