What did he say? Misunderstood lyrics.

My wife bought a calander with misunderstood song lyrics. The name of the calander is "'scuse me while I kiss this guy" from Jimi Hendrix. I remember hearing this while I was young and wondering what Jimi was singing about. All of the other ones I've read so far are really lame. So I'm wonder what your personal misunderstood lyric is.
I can't think of anything for myself so I'll do one of my wife's
Wrong lyric: "Only the lonely get laid." from The Motels
Correct lyric is: "Only the lonely can play."

Alright lets hear 'em!

Showing 1 response by rar1

The classic, which suposedly puzzled millions, was the opening song to the TV series, "All In the Family." The last bit of the song went ... "Didn't need a welfare state ... Everybody pulled their weight ... Gee our old La Salle great ... Those Were the Days." The song was actually re-recorded and overly enuciated a few seasons later, because nobody could decipher the La Salle line.